A Produção, foi sempre um dos pilares estratégicos desta Orquestra, que deste cedo passou a usufruir da experiência e know how necessários, e que vinham do passado, pela mão do seu Director e Equipas estabelecidas. Foi assim que nasceu esta Orquestra em 2004, produto de um Festival de Jazz, que já vinha a ser produzido desde 2002, o Lagos Jazz. Esta Orquestra passou assim a produzir, além da própria agenda interna de Concertos e Actividades, vários outros Eventos Públicos ( Festivais de Música, de Jazz, Interdisciplinares,  Workshpos e Masterclasses, Exposições, entre outros) e, Eventos Privados (Corporate, Sociais, entre outros). Nesta secção encontramos vários desses Eventos, e respectivas programações.


Production has always been one of the strategic pillars of this Orchestra, which from early on began to enjoy the necessary experience and know-how, which came from the past, by the hand of its Director and established teams. This is how this Orchestra was born in 2004, from a Jazz Festival that had already been produced since 2002, the Lagos Jazz. This Orchestra thus started to produce, in addition to its own internal agenda of Concerts and Activities, several other Public Events (Music, Jazz, Interdisciplinary Festivals, Workshops and Masterclasses, Exhibitions, among others) and Private Events (Corporate, Social, among others). In this section we find several of these Events, and their respective schedules. Among its Clients, Orquestra has had Municipalities, Official Governmental Entities and Private Entities of various natures.